How long will it take to get my books?
Once we’ve received your PDF print ready file, we quickly send you an unbound hard copy proof for your approval. We want to make sure everything is correct and you are 100% happy with what we are about to print for you. Once the proof has been approved , the turn-around for your books will be from 5 to 7 business days for most quantities. Rush jobs are our specialty though, and in most cases we can get books to you whenever you need them. We very rarely say no.
Can you recommend a cover designer?
We work with a few cover designers. Feel free to contact us and we will give you that information.
How much does it cost to have my books printed?
Each book project is priced out differently. We quote each job based on the finished size of your book, the number of pages, the type of bindery, and if there are any color pages on the inside. The unit price of each book decreases when the quantity ordered increases. Our minimum print run length is 25 books. Our biggest unit price decrease is in the jump to 100 books. It is almost next to impossible to beat our prices, but it is literally impossible to beat our combination of price, quality, turnaround time, and customer service.
Can you get an ISBN and barcode for me?
A barcode is necessary in order to sell your books at a bookstore, online bookstore, or on Amazon. The ISBN number is used to generate the barcode and price, properly identify and list your book, and attribute each sale to you. An ISBN and Barcode can be ordered through us at a cost of $150.00. The ISBN number, once it is registered, links your book to the Library of Congress. Unlike many places that sell these, we do not take control of your book and register it completely in your name. Even if you choose to go to another printer down the road, which we bet you won’t, the ISBN remains yours and we do not retain the rights to your book. Believe it or not, not only do many places do this, but they charge you as well to get your book back and go somewhere else.
Do you market my books for me?
We could lie like other places do or dress up a package deal including business cards and flyers as a marketing package, but we choose not to. The truth is marketing your book is hard and every book is different. Without having read your book or know if editing has taken place, it is irresponsible to promise making you a New York Times Best Selling Author . If it was that easy, we would. Instead we offer more practical approaches like author web pages to which you can sell your books and make more royalties than you do with Amazon. These are linked to Facebook and other social media outlets which help you promote your book and direct buyers to your page.
Where do I send my files for printing?
You can submit your files on our website, via this page.
Who do I speak with if I have a problem?
You can contact Maryellen O’Rourke. If you still need further explanation or have reached your boiling point, call Billy. If neither of those work, we all are in trouble.
Can you edit my book?
If you’ve noticed minor changes that need to be corrected after receiving your proof, you can email us and let us know which changes to make free of charge or for a small additional fee. If major changes arise after receiving the proof, like paragraph issues, font problems, reflowing, page insertions, etc, you will then need to have your original file designer help with those corrections. The bottom line is we want to help you get the book exactly the way you want and are here to help. We don’t offer editing services, but we can help getting the file correct and ready for printing.
What is cover stock?
Cover stock is the paper used to print the cover of your book, which is thicker than the paper used for the inside of the book. Our cover stock is the same you would find on any book in a book store and are UV coated for a beautiful shine. Lamination is available as well.
What is text stock?
The paper used for printing the insides of your book. This paper can be 50, 60, or 70 # paper. 50# and 60# are the most common. 50# paper is a little thinner, but unless you have pictures it is just fine for most books and is the most economical. 60# is thicker and is ideal for authors that have pictures, or are concerned with text showing through. 70# is only really needed if the page count is small and the book needs to be perfect bound. All these option come in our standard white, but we do offer other options to choose from. The paper can be ordered in cream, opaque, and off-white depending on your desires. Glossy paper can be used as well for books requiring 4 color printing, either just a few pages or an entire book.
Will you print any type of book?
Yes. As long as the files are formatted and ready to print, we will print almost any book, of any size, of any topic. We print books, booklets, directories, manuals, comic books, graphic novels, and coloring & activity books.
Where are you located?
Visit our contact page for more info.
What happens if my books arrive damaged?
When your books are shipped we use UPS ground or freight trucking, depending on the quantity. The books are grouped in 3 or 4s and shrink-wrapped for safe delivery. We also use double walled boxes to help protect the books in transit. If the books arrive damaged, we need to see if it was a problem in the transportation, or if it was with the packaging. Each shipment is insured up to $100.00 by UPS and we can insure the shipment for a larger amount if requested. The insurance gives us the opportunity to put a claim in with UPS, and in turn, the ability to reprint the books. This is very rare, but we will work with you to get your books to you.